The Top 12 Coolest Movie Knives

Not that long ago I did a mega list of the Top 25 Coolest Movie Guns and someone in the comments said that I should do a coolest movie knives (and movie swords” list next. It was a great idea and I sort of penciled it in as something I will/could do later on. I really didn’t know what “later on” meant, though. Should I wait a few weeks? A few months? Should I wait until 2022? Last week, for no other reason beyond it seemed like the right time, I decided that now is the time for a “coolest movie knives” list. So I started thinking about movie knives. Which ones are the coolest? Which ones are the most memorable? I came up with 12. Now, over the next three weeks, I will be counting down the Top 12 Coolest Movie Knives. There will be four picks a week with no honorable mentions. I didn’t want this to be a mega list like the guns one. I really wanted to boil it down to the twelve best. So that’s what I did. What made the list? Source